Delivery Information
Destination | Shipment Rates | Shipment Time Frame for Imediate Dispatch Section |
United Kingdom | £4 | 2-3 working days [Standard Delivery] |
United Kingdom | £5 | 1-2 working days [Express Delivery] |
United Kingdom | £9 | Next Working Day Delivery ( Ordered Before 2pm) |
United Kingdom | £14 | Guaranteed Saturday Delivery ( Ordered Before 2pm ) |
United Kingdom | Free [Spend over £89] | 2-3 working days [Standard Delivery] |
UK Shipment Time Frame
>> Our standard UK delivery time is 2-3 working days but delivery times may vary during bank/public holidays and during peak periods. We are not liable for delays that may occur as a result of courier-related matters.
International Shipment Rates
S.No | Country Flag | Country Name | Shipment Rates |
01 | United States | £25 | |
02 | Canada | £25 | |
03 | Australia | £25 | |
04 | United Arab Emirates | £23 | |
05 | Qatar | £23 | |
06 | Oman | £23 | |
07 | Kuwait | £23 | |
08 | Saudi Arabia | £23 | |
09 | Bahrain | £23 | |
10 | Sri Lanka | £22 | |
11 | Norway | £23 | |
12 | Malaysia | £23 | |
13 | Netherlands | £13.50 (Free Delivery over £199) | |
14 | Germany | £12.50 (Free Delivery over £199) | |
15 | Ireland | £12.50 (Free Delivery over £199) | |
16 | France | £12.50 (Free Delivery over £189) | |
17 | Indonesia | £20 | |
18 | Austria | £9 (Free Delivery over £149) | |
19 | Mauritius | £23 | |
20 | China | £20 | |
21 | Japan | £20 | |
22 | Maldives | £23 | |
23 | Singapore | £23 | |
24 | Denmark | £12.50 (Free Delivery over £199) | |
25 | Liechtenstein | £21 | |
26 | Switzerland | £13.50 (Free Delivery over £299) | |
27 | Czech Republic | £23 | |
28 | Italy | £16.50 (Free Delivery over £299) | |
29 | Slovakia | £23 | |
30 | Spain | £16.50 (Free Delivery over £299) | |
31 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | £23 | |
32 | Lithuania | £23 | |
33 | Bulgaria | £23 | |
34 | Greece | £24 | |
35 | Croatia | £23 | |
36 | Norway | £23 | |
37 | Singapore | £23 | |
38 | Romania | £23 | |
39 | Iceland | £23 | |
40 | India | £24 | |
41 | Serbia | £23 | |
42 | Latvia | £23 | |
43 | Belgium | £12.50 (Free Delivery over £189) | |
44 | France | £10 | |
45 | Luxembourg | £23 | |
46 | Estonia | £23 | |
47 | Finland | £23 (Free Delivery over £249) | |
48 | Hungary | £23 | |
49 | Poland | £23 | |
50 | Portugal | £23 | |
51 | Slovenia | £23 | |
52 | Sweden | £16.50 (Free Delivery over £299) | |
53 | South Africa | £23 | |
54 | Kenya | £23 | |
55 | New Zealand | £23 | |
56 | Bahrain | £23 | |
57 | Bangladesh | £23 | |
58 | Malta | £23 | |
59 | Morocco | £23 | |
60 | Nepal | £23 | |
61 | Tunisia | £23 | |
62 | Turkey | £23 |
International Shipment Time Frame
>> Our standard International delivery time is 4-6 working days but delivery times may vary during bank/public holidays and during peak periods. We are not liable for delays that may occur as a result of courier-related matters.